The NHSAEA was originally called the National High School Society of Engineering and Architecture.  It was however later updated to the National High School Association of Engineering and Architecture.
The NHSAEA was founded by Mason J. Hood, a current high-school student. Many others over a period of time have helped contribute to the organization in various ways. Our mission is to provide you with as much valuable information as possible. We do not accept donations, nor offer any fees for any of the services we provide. They are completely free to anyone who becomes a member.

A Non-Profit dedicated to Education.

We believe that the people deserved the ability to be able to find information on careers, and higher-education without limitations. Specifically, we wanted to focus on Engineering and Architecture. Both of those fields are subsequently the most important in the modern world. There are so many products of Engineering and Architecture in our day to day world. Ranging from your car's transmission, all the way to windows on your home.

We strive to make Engineering and Architecture accessible to everybody. We believe that our non-profit organization is the embodiment of this accessibility. If you are a big fan of our work; become a volunteer today! You can send in an application by emailing: